
State 2010 Pictures

Check out some of the pictures taken during the New Mexico State Competition weekend :)
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Banquet 2009/2010

Take a look back at the last event the team of 2009-2010 enjoyed together! Click the title to make the jump.

Monday, April 19, 2010

STATE Pictures!

Posted by :) Brenda at 5:46 PM 1 comments

The ChEerLeAdErs wanna give a special thanks to
Ms. Shirley, Mr. Richman and his Wife, Zayman, Jimmy, Joey, Cynthia and Roman
for the goody bags they made for us :) it really ment alot for us.
No one has ever done something for us like that and we really appreciated it!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Posted by :) Brenda at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Here is Zayman doing hands on Joey :D

crazy boys climbing trees

me and elvia posing :)

Joey doing hands with Aly

Luis also flew!

and as usual .. michelle twisting..

Vivi flew wow ha :)

Zayman loves the breeze he gets up there


Posted by :) Brenda at 6:48 PM 0 comments


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